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Marine conservationist


研究題目:Call of the blue planet: Exploring the mysteries of ocean acidification

Buffer Solution Experiment 吳珮霓

I have a deep interest and passion for the field of natural sciences, along with a strong focus on sustainability issues. This enthusiasm is not onlyreflected in my academic studies but also in my extracurricular activities. During my free time, I actively participate in various lectures and workshopsrelated to sustainable development, expanding my understanding of environmental issues. Engaging in discussions has not only broadened my knowledge but also cultivated the ability to present unique perspectives, helping me understand more about what’s happening in society right now.
I love sharing! Through presentations, I work hard to make sure that more people see the issues I care about and the things I’m putting into practice. This kind of sharing not only helps us all learn from each other but also acts as a check on myself and a way to boost my skills. I hope to turn my ideas into real actions and make a positive contribution to society.

I dived deep into the knowledge about buffer solutions from my textbooks, and connected these seemingly complex concepts with everyday life. My exploration started with a bottle of cola, sparking my motivation to conduct a buffer solution experiment to test its real effectiveness. Simultaneously, I blended my research with current events, focusing particularly on the issue of ocean acidification in sustainable development. Actively searching online for relevant points, I cleverly integrated them into my experimental content, presenting unique insights on this topic. Though the research journey can be lonely, it propels me to delve deeper and challenge myself. This study has not only enhanced my understanding of applying knowledge practically but also widened my perspective when facing global sustainability issues.



I have a deep passion for this topic, and this enthusiasm drives me with the energy to delve into research and experiments. My positivity allows me to be fully engaged, leading to outstanding performance in competitions. Additionally, I possess excellent speaking and oral communication skills, enabling me to vividly convey my points during presentations, enhancing the audience’s understanding of the topic.


Facing an all-English presentation, I did feel some challenges, especially during the impromptu Q&A session. While my academic English performance is decent, this presentation is a whole new venture for me. Moreover, being a solo participant adds more pressure in both preparation and execution. Nevertheless, I am confident that with continuous practice, I can overcome these challenges and deliver my best performance.

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